Modern Foreign Languages
‘Sapere Aude’
The intent of Modern Foreign Languages as a subject is multifaceted; not only does it intend to provide an open road to the world and a vehicle for overcoming educational disadvantage, but it also promotes pupils’ curiosity and deepens their understanding of different countries’ people, culture, history, literature and arts. It is through the study of Modern Foreign Languages that pupils will forge the linguistic keys of communicating with precision through reading, writing, listening and speaking in another language. Furthermore:
We aim to equip pupils with the confidence that allows them to express their ideas and opinions, to seek information and to respond to speakers of the language across the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
We challenge pupils to consider their own identity and place in the world and to appreciate and empathise with different ways of seeing the world.
We seek to ensure that all our students acquire the educational and cultural capital to which all children are entitled.
By developing pupils’ linguistic, communicative, and intercultural skills, and by encouraging students to use the target language from the very start, we strive to lay strong foundations at KS3 level and foster rounded individuals ready for entry into a global world. Our pupils are being moulded into accomplished, independent, and passionate linguists (not just speakers of the language) with a solid understanding of how languages work; turning them into global citizens.
The MFL department strives to ensure that our curriculum is challenging and inspiring for all students, to push them academically, and we aim also to ensure that Teaching and Learning is rooted in the Science of Learning. The MFL team promotes a love of language learning and strive for pupils to make outstanding progress at all levels. Finally, we recognise the importance of languages and therefore aim to provide our pupils with maximum opportunities in lessons, on trips or extracurricular activities to encourage them to develop courage, resilience, and self-discipline in the use of the target language and to turn pupils into real linguists.
Implementation: The curriculum is sequenced to allow students to progress sequentially towards success at GCSE success whilst also providing an enjoyable learning journey.