ICT & Computing
The goal of the computing department is that at the end of KS3, all learners are able to confidently use a computer. They can do things that will be required for many jobs, like send and access emails, use word, teams and excel. They should also have a good understanding of how to keep themselves and their computer/phone safe.
With computers, there are lots of different software students may use, to fulfil lots of different tasks. This is why we want them to try doing graphic design and animating on the computer as well as spending lots of time giving them practice coding. Coding takes many forms, there’s block-based vs text-based and front-end vs back-end, so as part of KS3, learners will get the chance to experience coding in all these forms.
We also want learners to gain a good understanding of how a computer works. We want all students to be confident about the fundamentals, so they can use all the right terminology when describing their computer. In our technological world, students may hear about operating systems and different computer hardware or software, and we want students to feel confident navigating that.