Reverend Andrew's Commissioning

On Wednesday 18 April, we were privileged to have the Rt Revd Richard Cheetham, Bishop of Kingston visit our Academy for the official commissioning of our new Chaplain, Revd Andrew Wignal, who started serving at the Academy in October 2017.
During the day, Bishop Richard met our Student Leadership Team and had an engaging discussion about the Church’s responsibility for the environment and climate change and how our school’s waste campaign champions this responsibility for a greener and more sustainable planet. He also met with a group of our Sixth Form students discussing the relationship between Science and religion. This was both enjoyable and enriching.
The commissioning service, led by Bishop Richard, was a beautiful occasion. Our Academy choir sang, there were readings and prayers by our students and Bishop Richard gave a thought-provoking reflection as he formally inducted, blessed and commissioned our new chaplain for the spiritual and pastoral leadership and support he gives to our school community, developing our Christian ethos. All of our Year 7 and Year 8 students were in attendance. We were also joined by a number of special guests including Mr Colin Powell, the Director of the Southwark Diocesan Board of Education; Revd Nigel Stone, Vicar of St Mark’s and clergy from Revd Andrew Wignal’s church, the New Testament Assembly as well as some of his family.
We wish our Revd Andrew all the best in his role.