St Mark's Celebrates Best 6th Form Results EVER!
St Mark’s Academy Sixth Form is celebrating its best set of Sixth Form results to date.
Headlines for average progress across Academic and Applied General is over half a grade higher than 2016 outcomes. 2017 has seen a combined progress score of 0.14, compared to -0.43 in 2016. Similarly, the average grade achieved across Academic and Applied General subjects has gone from a D to a C from 2016-17.
Students studying Tech Level qualifications have achieved an average grade of a Distinction and the percentage of students achieving A* to B grades has increased from last academic year.
We are so proud of each individual learner who has progressed and flourished with us throughout their two years at St Mark’s Sixth Form. We have had an exceptional performance from many students including Kwadwo who achieved an A grade in A Level Mathematics and Economics and two Distinction * in BTEC Travel and Tourism and Business Studies. We are filled with joy to see him go onto study Economics at the University of Warwick a leading Russell Group institution.
Nikolajs has also made exceptional progress with two Distinction* grades in BTEC Art and Design and Travel and Tourism and a C grade in Core Maths. We wish him all the best as he embarks on his creative journey at Art School this autumn.
Sashauna will be leaving us with three Distinction* grades in BTEC ICT, Business Studies, and Health and Social Care. We know she will continue to achieve great things as she progresses onto University this year.
Finally, Daniella will be heading to a Russell Group University this September, having achieved an B grade in A Level Psychology, a C grade in A Level English and two Distinction * in BTEC Travel and Tourism and ICT. Well done Daniella!
In Applied General subjects (BTECS) students have achieved a progress score of 0.54. This is over a grade higher than the previous year. 52% of students have gained a Distinction* or Distinction, 95% a D* to Merit and 100% of students entered passed. The average BTEC grade is a Distinction for this Academic year.
Some subjects stand out as those where learners have made exceptional progress and highlight the quality of teaching and learning across the Academy. In BTEC Health and Social Care and BTEC Sport, students achieved over a grade higher than those nationally. Similarly, in BTEC Business Studies, students have achieved nearly a grade higher than those nationally. In A Level English Literature, students achieved 100% A*-C and made more progress than other students nationally. Finally, in A Level Psychology, students achieved half a grade higher than the national average.
When looking at groups of learners, our SEN students have achieved outstanding outcomes at KS5, with an average progress score of half a grade higher than national, students with statements have achieved almost two and a half grades higher than others nationally. We are also thrilled that our Pupil Premium students have made excellent progress throughout their time at the Academy. On average disadvantaged students have a positive progress score.
Students who have sat exams in Year 12 for Creative Writing A Level and AS Maths have done exceptionally well. Students in Creative Writing, who were entered early for their A Level have achieved over half a grade higher than students nationally.
These results highlight the incredible things that are still to come for our Sixth Form and the students here. We have already changed so many lives, and will continue to do so as our provision goes from strength to strength.