Exam Results Days 2023
Thursday 17th August 2023 – BTEC L3 /GCE – Collect in person between 10:00am – 12noon – Results not collected on this day will be posted to the last home address on the Academy system.
Thursday 24th August 2023 – BTEC L2/GCSE/IGCSE - Collect in person between 10:00am – 12noon – Results not collected on this day will be posted to the last home address on the Academy system.
Please do not send in parents/guardians/carers/siblings to collect them on your behalf as due to data protection we are unable to hand them out to them.
Post Results Services
If there are reasonable grounds for believing there has been an error in marking, an official Enquiry About Results (EAR) may be requested. When the centre does not uphold an EAR, a candidate may still apply to have an enquiry carried out however, they will be charged for this service.
Candidates requesting a Review of their results must be aware that their marks, including the overall grade may change:-
- Your original mark is lowered, so the final grade may be lower than the original grade you received.
- Your original mark is confirmed as correct, so there is no change to your grade.
- Your original mark is raised, so your final grade may be higher that the original grade you received.