Creative Arts and Technology
The C.A.T faculty is a buzzing hub of activity in all of its curriculum strands from Art, Design and Technology, Drama and Music. We have a lively extra-curricular life and pride ourselves on developing learners in subjects that are directly related to careers and the world of creative innovation.
Ethos and Mission Statement for the Creative Arts and Technology
Our Ethos
Create, Celebrate, Innovate
Our Mission is to nurture learners who:
- Participate
- Are Open Minded
- Innovative
- Are Proactive
- Show Unity
We believe in celebrating the richness of the Creative Arts and Technology department and investing in every child equipping them with a broad working skills base.
Our staff work with untiring commitment and the belief that all students can harness ongoing potential and grow mastery in their subjects, this is evident in our student and teacher relationships, the quality of teaching and learning in our department and in the shared love of our subjects.
We realise our ethos and mission in our curriculum by:
- Providing excellent Teaching and learning through exciting projects where students build core skills as future creative innovators.
- Continue our strong record of GCSE and A Level results
- Growing enrichment by hosting a vast range of enrichment opportunities from after school clubs, live projects, University visits and a range of eye opening Cultural experiences. All parental attendance is warmly welcomed and encouraged.
- Celebrating students with a C.A.T. faculty rewards system, from certificates to trips.
- Holding Parent / carer and learner evenings to celebrate enrichment experiences and a unique C.A.T rewards evening.
Assessment within the C.A.T curriculums hones in on developing learners core skills to allow fluid progression from KS3 to 5, and beyond ~ from the world of work, to University and Industry. Assessment in Art, Design and Technology, Drama and Music, is made explicit to students through the use of incorporating the new 1-9 GCSE skills based assessment criteria, this information forms the basis of exciting learning opportunities.
Our assessments are done through continuous verbal feedback, in quality marking and discussion both formally with summative and formative assessment. We encourage a continual dialogue to form the basis of ongoing assessment and learning.
Literacy and Numeracy
- All Creative Arts and Technology lessons involve the development of learners core skills in the subjects and key literacy and numeracy.
- All learners from KS3-5 in the Creative Arts and Technology are given various forms of tests in line with the new exam specifications to prepare them for formal exams early on
- Learners are given a piece of hinged assessment once every half term, where they are given feedback on a piece of learning which they must use as a starting point to aim higher by improving their outcomes.
Our enrichment offer is broad with clubs at KS3 that range from Choir, Drama club, Art and D&T club. The creative arts rooms always have their door open to students after school and buzz with students creating new and exciting projects.
At KS4 & 5 we offer valuable sessions after school and through the holidays to bolster student success and provide ongoing support.
Our enrichment day expand our students cultural knowledge with visits to galleries and museums in London from The Tate Modern, National Gallery and Design Museum as well as Theatre and Concert visits.
As a faculty we have developed links with Universities for our students to gain a wealth of knowledge about their higher education options and to be enthused about this transition.
We have offered ‘real life’ learning opportunities and educational visits including theatre trips, links with the BRIT school, workshops with professional actors, visiting art galleries, music concerts and film making projects.
Help your child where possible by taking advantage of London’s incredible cultural offer from experiencing Art and Design exhibitions, Theatre or Drama events, and Musical events and concerts. Please support with homework by discussing learning that is due and helping with organisation and asking about outcomes.
The Creative Art and Technology faculty are keen for students to experience the vivid and real life aspect of our subjects from Art, Drama, Design & Technology and Music by enjoying our breadth of subjects.
“I loved it! I feel this is something that I would like to do when I am older. It has been really cool.”
Vinny, Year 10
“I loved it! I have never done anything like this before. I have done dancing, and I love singing, but it was a real challenge to do it together. It was really fast- but I worked hard and was able to get it in the end. It was a real achievement for me. I now really want to go and see the show as the music is really good. Gemma was lovely; she really taught us well and helped us make sure we got all the steps just right. I would love to do this again. Can we do it again?”
'We will rock you' Musical Theatre Cast Workshop
“I’ve learnt many new skills, team work and organisation. I have really enjoyed working with new people and making new friends. It has been a really enjoyable experience. I wish I could do it all over again!”
Georgia – Year 11
Courses | Qualification |
Art and Design | GCSE |
Art and Design | A Level |
Drama | GCSE |
Music | GCSE |
Product Design | GCSE |