Frequently Asked Questions
Please find below a list of questions commonly asked by parents. Clicking on each will provide the answer, more information and links to relevant pages of our website.
How can I find out what my child studies in each subject?
Select 'Subject Information' from the 'School Life' item on the menu, or follow this link.
You will find information about what each year group study throughout the year, as well as knowledge organisers that students can use to study, support them with the completion of homework and aid revision.
If you'd like to find out more about our approach to the curriculum, please email the following members of staff:
- For KS3 & 4 (Years 7-11) Ms J Khan:
- For KS5 (Years 12&13) MS S Bhadare:
Where can my child access reading resources?
Select 'Reading & Homework' from the 'School Life' item on the menu, or follow this link.
All student follow a programme called Accelerated Reader, which matches students with appropriately challenging books to read and tracks their reading progress. Teachers are able to monitor how students are doing and offer relevant support. Please encourage your child to log in regularly and read as much as possible.
How can I find out what clubs are available and when they run?
Select 'Clubs & Enrichment' from the 'School Life' item on the menu, or follow this link.
We have a large number, and diverse range, of after school clubs and enrichment activities. These run daily, throughout the week. It is expected that each student attends either 1 enrichment or 1 intervention activity per week as a minimum.
How much homework will my child be set?
Select 'Reading & Homework' from the 'School Life' item on the menu, or follow this link.
Homework completion is a vital part of student learning. It often enables students to prepare for upcoming lessons or helps to consolidate recent learning. Homework is therefore set regularly, as part of a homework timetable for each year group. The expectation is that all homework is complete and presented to teachers by the deadlines given.
My child has exams soon. Where can I find the timetable?
Select 'Exam Information' from the 'School Life' item on the menu, or follow this link.
Exam timetables are shared with students, a central list is also posted in the Heart Space for students to view as needed and coaches and teachers will provide reminders throughout exam periods. Students will have practised the routines regarding exam conditions and will be given clear instructions prior to any exam, it is important that the correct procedures are followed.
You can support your child by:
- Ensuring they are aware of when their exams take place
- Supporting them to have a good sleep routine and are on time for school, daily
- Encouraging them to attend all intervention sessions, complete homework on time and start revision early
- Discussing any anxiety and reassuring them, making their coach aware of any particular additional support your child might need during this period
Does my child get support to think about their career options after school?
Select 'Careers' from the 'School Life' item on the menu, or follow this link.
Supporting students to consider their career aspirations starts from their first day in school and continues throughout their education. A number of high quality events and experiences are planned throughout each year that give students: access to employers; enable them to understand the many career options available to them and the pathways to get there; and to develop wider employability skills.
The webpage above gives useful contact information for people within school as well as links to useful website and careers resources.
What is Class Charts?
We use the app Class Charts to share daily information about your child's attendance, behaviour and homework.
You can find out more information about the app, and how to set up and use it, here.
How can I support my child with their Literacy?
At St Mark's we focus on developing students' literacy through reading, building oracy skills and developing their vocabulary.
This guide gives you an overview of what we teach and why and the things parents can do to support their child's developing literacy.
General Information
Where can I find the school term dates?
Select 'Term Dates' from the 'Info & News' item on the menu, or follow this link.
Can I find a copy of a letter my child has received online?
Select 'Letters' from the 'Info & News' item on the menu, or follow this link.
All letters that are sent home to students are first uploaded to the website. This gives you an additional backup, should the letter be misplaced or if you need to be quickly reminded of its contents.
Are there any important dates coming up that I should know about?
Select 'Calendar from the 'Info & News' item on the menu, or follow this link.
Important dates, such as school opening and closing, parents' evenings and school events can be found on this school calendar.
How do I contact school?
Select 'Contact Us' from the 'About Us' item on the menu, or follow this link.
This page gives information about the key contacts for school, such as the school office and safeguarding team. There are also two pink buttons that give further contact details of staff on the pastoral team (such as Progress Leaders, Coaches etc.) and other key contacts (such as the senior leadership team).
In order to most efficiently answer any queries, please do try to direct your enquiry to the relevant staff member.
I need to talk to a member of staff, what should I do?
Please either email the individual or call the school and request to speak to the member in order to book a meeting / follow-up call.
Select 'Contact Us' from the 'About Us' item on the menu, or follow this link for contact information for the relevant person.
Most staff members have commitments during the school day and will likely be unavailable to meet if you arrive at the school reception without a prior appointment. Staff will always be happy to meet with you / discuss any concerns, but please arrange a meeting in advance to avoid any wasted journeys.
We hope to be able to respond to all enquiries within 48 hours.
I'd like to read one of the school policies...
Select 'Policies & Reports' from the 'About Us' item on the menu, or follow this link.
How are Christian Values Embedded at St Mark's Academy?
We are an inclusive Christian community welcoming families from all faiths and none.
Our values are based on Christian theology and linked to key messages contained within biblical scripture, that we feel are universal to all.
Select 'Values & Ethos' from the 'About Us' item on the menu, or follow this link.
How can I find out if my child is eligible for Free School Meals?
Select 'School Meals' from the 'Info & News' item on the menu, or follow this link.
You can apply through your local authority. Alternatively, you can request a FSM form from Main Reception to be returned to the Attendance Manager to process.
Where can I get my child's uniform?
Select 'School Uniform' from the 'Info & News' item on the menu, or follow this link
Uniforms can be purchased from School Uniform Direct ( Walk-ins are welcome, but it’s best to make an appointment.
Our Commitment to our Parents and Wider Community
At St Mark’s, ‘koinonia’ - the biblical value of community and joint participation - is at the heart of our vision. As members of one body (Romans 12), each individual is needed and valued to achieve ‘transformation for all’. We prioritise partnerships and engagement with our parents and carers as the first educators of their children, extending to our local community and organisations regionally, nationally and globally. Through our partnerships, we are committed to providing our young people with aspirational opportunities. They will affirm their unique place in society and this will be celebrated unapologetically. They will be positive agents of change. They will have an adept knowledge of local and global issues. They will thrive in turning our values into inspirational action. And they will, above all, understand their God-given roles and responsibilities as stewards and courageous advocates for their community and the world in which they live.