St Mark's Students Celebrate More Success at Borough Awards Event

On Thursday 30th November the Academy was pleased to attend the Merton celebration event held at Raynes Park school. This was an opportunity to celebrate the fantastic achievements of young people across the borough. Several students' from St Mark's were there to collect their awards.
We had to nominate 5 students which was extremely difficult as we have so many young people who are consistently going above and beyond our expectations both academically and through other achievements. This year the award winners were: Ruby Giddy (year 7) for a phenomenal start to secondary school. She attends many different enrichment sessions as he has a fantastic work ethic. She goes above and beyond with her studies and as a result has a reading age of 17! Allyson Reigne Vidal Garcia (year 9) puts her heart and soul into everything. She lives and breathe our school values of Love, hope and trust and is the most conscientious and hardworking individual you could meet. Gui Barradas (Year 10) has been selected to play football for Surrey. He will be representing the county having successfully secured his place in the team. Georgia Fitzgerald’s (Year 13) amazing spoken word poem was picked up and published by the mental health charity mind. It was also made into a drama piece and performed by St. Mark’s students as part of the Changing Minds project earlier this year. She is now our Head Girl. Savannah Rowe (year 12) was the winner of Merton’s Youth Volunteer of the year 2017, and has now been shortlisted for the prestigious Mayor of London’s Team London award. She also did extremely well in her GCSE exams securing a top grade 9 in English Literature.